Conformal coating is a thin, protective coating that ‘conforms’ to the circuit board topology. It provides additional protection for electronic circuits from harsh environments that may contain high humidity and varying temperatures. Additionally, the conformal coating creates a barrier to airborne contaminants from the operating environment, such as salt-spray, thus preventing corrosion.
- Thin poly coating applied to embeddedTS’s product for added protection
- HumiSeal® 1A33 single component, polyurethane coating used
- Compliant with ANSI/ESD S20.20-2007, IPC-A-610F, IPC-CC-830B, and J-STD-001E
- Rigorously tested and covered by our warranty
HumiSeal® Conformal Coating Solution.
embeddedTS offers conformal coating in order to fully protect your solution from the elements using HumiSeal 1A33. HumiSeal 1A33, is a single component, polyurethane conformal coating (25-75µm thick), and contains no free isocyanates and fluoresces under UV light for inspection purposes.

Industry Qualified and Recognized.
embeddedTS is proud to offer the following requirement specifications: ANSI/ESD S20.20-2007, IPC-A-610F, IPC-CC-830B, and J-STD-001E. For an additional fee IPC-CH-65A can be offered. Contact sales for more information.

Tested and Covered by Warranty.
All units shipped from embeddedTS with the conformal coating are tested through our production processes, just like the standard product. Conformal coating offered from embeddedTS will include the same warranty as our non-conformal coating products. Additionally, embeddedTS has trained our in house repair team in the handling and re-application of this material for the RMA process.