Accessory Collection. Cables, power supplies, and boot media
Conveniently custom tailored accessory packages for each of our embedded computer products in order to get you up and running as quickly as possible. No need to pour time into a shopping list for board bring up accessories. Just remember, an embedded computer is not included.
Shop our products with development kits.Board Support Packages. Immediately start developing software in your favorite language.
Development kits make software development easy with flash media preloaded with operating system, build essentials for onboard compilation of C/C++ programs, and familiar scripts, programming languages, and software management tools.
Learn more about our BSPs.

Getting Started. Practical guides that use development kits make embedded easy.
Tutorials on how to get started with your new embedded project are available on our blog. These guides show you step by step on how to get your embedded computer powered up and connected using a development kit.
Check out some of our practical guides.