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Programming Languages for Embedded Linux

Programming Languages for embeddedTS’s Embedded Computers

Node.JS Getting Started guide

How to get started using Node.JS on an embedded single board computer.
Read the Node.jS guide

Robust C Library and Utility for GPIO sysfs Interface

Example C code library for interfacing with GPIO sysfs.
See an example of using our C libraries


A guide on using Python to capture live GPS data.
Read about using Python to capture GPS data

Linux Powered. Embedded computers preloaded with familiar Linux distributions.

Most of our single board computer and System on Module products are shipped preloaded with full-fledged Linux distributions with package managers, enabling you to install familiar packages and languages using a simple command like apt-get.

Take Your Pick. The right tool for the job.

Feel confident in developing with our embedded systems knowing you can choose the programming language best suited to your application. Among the most popular choices are C/C++, Python, PHP, Node.JS, Javascript, and Perl.

Example Code. The groundwork has already been laid.

Our goal is to make embedded easy and to get your product to market in record time. That’s why we’ve included example code, libraries, and practical guides to make the most of the hardware features on our embedded systems.