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Industrial Grade Components. Meticulously engineered to handle extreme conditions for any application.
Each component on our TPC products is carefully chosen to withstand harsh environments. No moving parts and fanless design means you can deploy your end product just about anywhere, including polarizing environments between -20 °C to 70 °C.
Read about a successful deployment in frigid AntarcticaUser Interface Toolkits Available. Familiar kits let you quickly design high end, user friendly UIs.
Popular software development tools such as Qt, GTK+, and OpenGL ES enable you to build your user interface quickly and easily. We've made the cross compile toolchains easily accessible as well so you don't have to worry about changing your workflow.
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Perfect for HMI and SCADA. Create intuitive and powerful interfaces for machines and equipment.
With available ultra bright LCDs and touch screens, our TPC products are a great match for human machine interfacing or supervisory control and data acquisition applications like automotive, retail (POS), kiosks, or other digital signage.
See an example of creating a simple HMI/SCADA interfaceResistive vs Capacitive Solutions.
Industry choice for HMI is quickly migrating away from the keyboard and mouse and towards the screen. When choosing a screen, it is important to determine which is better for your purposes: capacitive or resistive?
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